QUALTEK 762-18/003 Snap-In AC Power Entry Multi-Function Module 6 A 115 VAC / 250 VAC

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QUALTEK 762-18/003 Snap-In AC Power Entry Multi-Function Module 6 A 115 VAC / 250 VAC TGBH141126-040 G7-3C

QUALTEK 762-18/003 Snap-In AC Power Entry Multi-Function Module 6 A 115 VAC / 250 VAC

Pictures for real,Used, Working Pull

Item location: Shanghai China.

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The shipping is $19-$35 by EMS to US, Canada, Japan, West Europe or Australia. Customs check may cause delay. Some EU countries may charge customs duty tax. To other area, please quote for shipping. EMS is a 5-10 working days service.

SKU TGBH141126-040

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